[Review] Breathe Ava by Della Leshae

Emotional and heartbreaking novel about motherhood.

About the book:

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC (10. November 2016)
Pages: 368
Genre: woman novel
Image rights are by named publisher


When Ava was in her early twenties she must learn that she may never be a mother. Her body can’t become pregnant naturally. Ava’s world is shattered to pieces, because her dream since she was a young girl, was to be a mother. Ava’s first marriage soon fails because she cannot conceive without the help of assisted fertility. Now Ava fears every day that she may never have another chance to become a mother.

Then Ava meets James Parsons at work and falls in love at first sight. James is handsome, strong and irresistible. Every second they are in the same room both devour each other with their eyes. Ava soon believes James is the right man and together they will conceive her much wanted child naturally. After their marriage the loving couple tries for months to conceive naturally, but with no result. Now their only option is to enter the world of assisted fertility. Ava is prepared to do everything and suffer anything to become a mother. No matter how many IVF cycles it takes. But will there be a cost for her dream to become a mother?

My Opinion

Breathe Ava by Della Leshae is an emotional and heartbreaking novel about a young woman and her biggest wish to become a mother. The debut novel is told from the perspective of the main character Ava that gives the reader a close look inside Ava’s wishes, hopes, problems and feelings.

I didn’t know anything about assisted fertilization before I read this book. I was quite shocked what all the woman had to suffer through in the IVF cycles. The book teaches a lot about the preparation, the process and the health problems like hormonal fluctuations of assisted fertilization.

The story about Ava and her second husband James and their journey through conceive is an emotional roller coaster ride. Once Ava make progress the reader is happy as well, but when something went wrong you suffer with Ava. She is a strong fighter who gives everything for her biggest wish to be a mother. Immediately I took Ava into my heart because of her admirable and likeable character. There are a lot of barriers on Ava’s way to conceive a child and some strokes of fate that shatter her world into pieces. I cried a lot of tears with Ava: So be prepared with tissues. The end is really unexpected and emotional. I couldn’t stop crying and can’t wait for the second book.


Breathe Ava by Della Leshae is a brilliant emotional novel about conceive with the help of assisted fertilization. The reader experience an emotional roller coaster ride with the main character Ava on her journey to be a mother. You are happy with every step towards motherhood and you cry with Ava when she fails. The end is really unexpected and so emotional that I couldn’t stop crying. A wonderful book for everyone who wants some emotional reading time.

Breathe Ava gets 5 of 5 Heart-Points.

5 Kommentare Gib deinen ab

  1. meerderwoerter sagt:

    Sag mal, es kommt aber nicht das Thema Intersexualität vor?
    Es hört sich danach an.

    Liebe Grüße,

    Gefällt 1 Person

    1. Gina sagt:

      Nein, es geht nur um eine Frau, die nicht auf natürlichem Weg schwanger werden kann und probiert ihren Wunsch dann durch künstliche Befruchtung zu erfüllen. 🙂
      Liebe Grüße,


      1. meerderwoerter sagt:

        Ah, okay. Streng genommen fällt das auch da rein, ist mir aber zu wenig. Lesen will ich’s trotzdem. Aber wann will ich das denn nicht?

        Gefällt 1 Person

      2. Gina sagt:

        Das kenne ich: Ich möchte eigentlich auch alle Bücher lesen. 😀

        Gefällt 1 Person

      3. meerderwoerter sagt:

        Ja genau, aber leider leben wir nicht ewig (oder zum Glück, je nachdem, wie man es sieht!)


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